Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Fool for Love: fools for paying

Five (out of six) stars for that pile of crap? Which play were you watching, Time Out? Some questions:
  • Why was this deathly boring play thought worthy of revival?
  • Why did Juliette Lewis deliver all of her lines in the same whiney manner?
  • Was that sound of the door slamming supposed to make me feel something?
  • Whe's ever seen an American motel room ceiling that looked like that?
  • Why don't they revive Triangle so Larry Lamb can do something worthwhile. And bring backKate O'Mara while you're at it.
And I'm sorry, but £45 (OK, so we only paid £25, but we COULD have paid £45 if we weren't so tight) for 1 hour and 15 mins? What kind of deal is that? Although thankfully, it didn't end a minute to soon and we couldn't wait to get to the pub for a cheap bottle of red so that the evening wasn't completely wasted. Save your money. More preciously, save your time and give this a miss


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